What is EMF radiation?
Also known as EMR or Electro-Magnetic Radiation, EMF radiation is the combined (electrical and magnetic) energy field that is emitted from our electrical devices and cables. These days, we are exposed to 100 million times the electromagnetic radiation (EMF or EMR) than that of our grandparents’ generation — and with the roll-out of 5G, our EMF exposure will skyrocket. These electro-magnetic fields are chaotic in nature, and cause our bodies’ ordered energetic system to become destabilised and stressed as a result. The World Health Organisation has only gone so far as to say that EMF is “possibly carcinogenic”, but unbiased scientific studies show that electromagnetic radiation is affecting our health more than anything else today, and causing us serious harm — and for the rapidly growing number of electrosensitive people with an extreme intolerance to EMF, they have no doubt how harmful EMF is because they cannot lead normal lives.
How Will I Know if I am Being Affected by EMF?
People are experiencing 100 million times the exposure to EMF than they did two generations ago, and this is increasing rapidly with the current roll-out of 5G. For better or worse, our great grandparents did not have access to many of the technological advances we have access to today, and, as a result, EMF levels were considerably lower. The early signs of exposure include headaches, irritability, increased colds and a generally weakened immune system. Over time, EMF depletes our immune system, causes insomnia, and a range of symptoms and illnesses from headaches, irritability, learning difficulties, depression, sterility, to cancer. It also hinders the production of melatonin in animals and people, which is a hormone necessary for sleep and the prevention of cancer, amongst other diseases. The late Neil Cherry, a renowned doctor and researcher, found the causal link between EMF and cancer, among other things. EMF/EMR reduces melatonin in animals and people.
What Devices Emit EMF?
EMF is an incredibly common by-product of modern life. It presents a risk inside your home, workplace, and when you are on the go. Common household objects such as kitchen appliances, televisions, radios, microwaves, hairdryers, wifi, and electrical wiring all create harmful electromagnetic fields that interfere with our own energetic systems. Our mobile phones, computers, tablets and wireless “smart” devices ensure that we are never far away from sources of EMF, meaning that we are facing constant exposure — and the increasingly well-documented risks associated with it. Cars and other modes of transport also emit high levels of EMF, and, as superfast 5th generation internet (5G) becomes the norm for many areas around the world, it is vital that the public are educated on the risks of continued exposure. Ensuring that we remain vigilant and protected will enable us to continue living our lives, without fear of this invisible threat.
How Dangerous is EMF?
At high levels over long durations, EMF exposure can be fatal. Cancer has been linked to HT power lines and cancer clusters have been mapped around cell phone towers. The bottom line is that EMF exposure causes major stress to the body and mind. With EMF stress experienced over a long period, then what happens is the weakest genetic link will indicate what illness will result – so the range of symptoms can be large. There are, however, some strong statistical links to diseases such as Lou Gehrig’s disease or ALS and, of course, various forms of cancer. Cell phones and cordless phones add another level of EMF hazard as, when used against the head, they can beam tumour-causing ionising radiation (microwaves) into your head, making cell phone radiation protection a must. Take a look at some of our EMF Protection Devices FAQ, to learn more about the products we offer. EMF Protection Devices FAQ